The Happy Heart 

The Happy Heart 


Emerge Retreat 2024

Emerge Retreat 

Gila National Forest, Silver City, NM

Gila National Forest, Silver City, NM

Silver City, NM  

September 29, 30 & October 01, 2024 

"In this retreat I share with you the primal keys that unlock and sustain your fundamental wellbeing. You deserve to feel deeply well on all levels of your being~ emotional, mental, physical and energetic. You were not born to remain in suffering; you were born to thrive."~ Adonata Pyaga, MS

During this immersive experiential treat you will thoroughly learn three life changing skills:  HeartFlow™,  PrimevalFlow™ and BrainFlow™. These are the keys to your heart as a natural guidance system, to your restored primal connection with nature, and to your invigorated nervous system, respectively. Expect to walk away with permanent abilities that you will be able to smoothly apply to your daily life. 

Adonata shares her time-tested secrets in a concise, thorough, profound and sustainable path to your best self. These three full days give you the opportunity to go deeply inward in an intentional way, to experience an entirely new state of consciousness, and thus to reset your well-being. You will emerge competent, clear, calm, connected and content.


restore your true north

When you allow your heartfelt identity flow, fear and anger do not leave a shadow in your being. Did you know that your heart has an electromagnetic field 5,000 times greater than your brain? This has been consistently measured in the laboratory. When you partner with your heart, you identify choices, words and actions that consistently uplift your quality of thought, life and relationships. Studies show that feelings of warmth and wellbeing in your heart improve your brain and body health. Here you will learn a simple yet profound process that will enable you to consistently dwell in a heart-centered existence. The more you connect, the clearer your internal guidance becomes to you, the more fulfillment you will experience moment to moment. From the very first practice, you will experience a deep satisfaction.


know yourself as nature

After 40 years of researching and practicing in the field of human development, Adonata has found it experientially evident that biology precedes many emotional and mental states. One tragic outcome of our civilized living has been the disconnection from the natural wilderness. Your body is made of nature. Here you will learn practical processes to connect with natural elements and stay grounded. Anxiety and depression vanish when you are "plugged in" once more. Indoors or outdoors, day or night you have access to this profound fundamental physiological well being. Additionally, energize your mitochondria, decrease inflammation and walk the path of your core design.


expand inwards 

Welcome to your luxury ride to inner rejuvenation, inner calm, and mental clarity! This daily 20-minute introspective practice involves no concentration or focus, and thus does not require cognitive control. You routinely experience spontaneous whole brain coherence-- a state distinct from mindfulness and focusing practices. During and after your practice you can expect heightened wakefulness, wherein the whole brain becomes more lively and orderly. This improves creativity, memory, attention span, mood, problem solving skills and cognitive flexibility. Simultaneously, your body experiences deep physiological rest, which dissolves stress and rejuvenates the entire nervous system.

BrainFlow™ is the foundational experience for neurological harmony. As a stand-alone system it promises you these outstanding researched results: (link to new page to be added soon) 


sculpt your space 

Movement devoid of context, of your story, of meaning, is flat. You were not designed to move simply to gain physical fitness. The true intention of movement is a theater expressing fundamental truths about the universe and about yourself. Just as the patterns found in a native Indian basket contains the whole story of the origins of a people, the seasons they weather, and their spiritual inspiration, your body is a three-dimensional sculpture in space. When you move your body from the perspective of you as the builder of the field around you, your joy of motion increases exponentially, and fitness is a byproduct. Gradually your body spontaneously aligns to its best expression. These simple and safe standing motions can be made progressively more challenging according to your wishes. They will stimulate your lymph, increase your personal power, loosen and strengthen your joints and muscles, align your posture, all in an atmosphere of play.

Grow with Adonata Pyaga, MS

expert in permanent trauma resolution

Since 1988 Adonata has been committed to awakening the internal resources of each human being. Having extensively studied and put to practice psychological and biological processes with tens of thousands of clients, she has developed The Connection System™, her own method to permanently resolve all emotional upset and trauma. Her system is not designed to manage stress, depression, anxiety, impulsivity, and psychosomatic illnesses, but to transform them so you can live your full potential. With her lifelong multicultural exposure she has successfully empowered over ten thousand clients of the most varied backgrounds. She is a licensed psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, optimal fitness consultant, meditation instructor, life and business mentor and educator.


A full three-day immersive retreat

Location: Grant County Business and Conference Center, Silver City, NM

3031 US-180, Silver City, NM 88061

Dates: September 29, September 30 and October 01, 2024

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday from 10 am to 6 pm daily

Your Investment: $1,195 USD

sign  up early and pay only $995 (valid until 08/23/24)

excludes lodging, meals and travel expenses


5 Scholarships in total are being offered: 

2 scholarships cover 100% of retreat value

3 scholarships cover 50% of retreat value

To be considered for a scholarship: Send Adonata an email or a text with a paragraph as to why you would like to attend and how you plan to use these practical teachings in your life. Include which scholarship you would like and how you will handle your lodging and travel expenses!

Donors: If you feel inspired by these offerings and would like to facilitate a participant's access, you can contribute an additional $595 or $1,195, or other sum of your choice.

Recommended: Arrive by Saturday afternoon, explore this charming artist's town, take a walk in the beauty surrounding nature and get a good night's rest! Please attend the entire event to reap full progressive benefits!

You will have comfortable padded chairs to sit on; but you may want to bring a blanket/ wrap, large shawl or scarf to wrap yourself in during your introspective practices. 

Daily Agenda: There is up to a 2-hour lunch break each day, depending on the flow of the group and the weather, exact lunch time will vary. Take this time to refuel, make new connections, and integrate your experiences. 

On one of the afternoons we will be outside in the Gila Forest.

Bring layers. Early fall weather can have a heat wave or even a cold wave, but the average highs are 78°F at this time of the year, and 30° cooler at night. And due to the high desert climate be prepared-- temperatures can drop suddenly.


Silver City, NM, has its own airport. Once you arrive at Grant County Airport, you can take an Uber that you have scheduled in advance,  and be in Silver City in  20 minutes, then rent a car. 

Contact Advanced Airlines for flight times. (575) 386-6808,

Alternatively, then next closest large airport is in El Paso, TX, 2.5 hours away. From there you can rent a car or take a taxi with

Original historic downtown hotels:

Serenity House 575-574-2696

Palace Hotel 575-388-1181

Murray Hotel  575 -956-9400

There are also many campgrounds and beautiful cabins as well, including AirBnbs

There are lovely hot springs 30 minutes away: Faywood Hotsprings 575-342-8181

Explore Silver City:


one-on-one deep dive into your unique being

For individuals who prefer a private experience~ all of the aforementioned offerings and additional customized tools tailored to your unique goals, including Inner Child Integration, Optimal Fitness and much more.

Two destination locations you can easily find Adonata at are: 

> Silver City, NM, outlined above; and 

> Foz do Iguaçú, Brazil, by the world's largest waterfalls.

Other choice locations are also possible and can be mutually agreed upon!

Contact Adonata to select an exact date and location.

Your Investment: $6,995. USD

Adonata Pyaga, MS 
Text or call: (505) 983-0693 


Your Investment: $1,195.

Early bird special: sign up by August 23 and get $200 off; pay only $995!

You can register for the retreat until September 14th, 2024. Attendees wishing to attend after 09/14 will be considered; send us a text or email to confirm viability. 

Cancellation details:

If you cancel by Sep 14th you will receive a full refund minus an admin fee of $150.

If you cancel between Sep 15 and Sep 28 you will receive 50% of your payment back.

If you cancel on the day of the event or don't show for the event, there is no refund.


You can pay by  clicking BUY NOW below,

choosing one of the QR codes below,

or manually entering in your app;

Zelle: 505-983-0693 

Venmo: @pyaga


Silver City, NM Sept 29~ Oct 1, 2024
Adonata Pyaga, MS

Adonata Pyaga, MS

I look forward to being with you soon!

Feel free to connect with any questions in preparation for

this retreat treat!