The Happy Heart 

The Happy Heart 


Events & Offerings

Present Offerings

Inner Child Integration

Description:  On your journey of integration of all your aspects, the Inner Child plays a central perceptual role. I will guide you in 4 heart-centered processes to connect with different stages of your childhood. You will bond and forge a friendship that will benefit you for life. These are essential skills for your adult self!


Begins Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Every Tuesday  6:00-7:30 PM PDT / 9:00-10:30 PM EDT

Four sessions of 90 minutes: 6/236/307/077/14. Cost: $99

A maximum of 13 participants.


Register here:


Resolving Patterns

You are enough. You have enough. You are safe.

Would you like to feel this more deeply in your core?

Patterns prevent you from being in the present moment. Once the unresolved emotions and beliefs underlying a pattern are fully cleared, the change is permanent. 

All problems, issue, challenges, all emotional states can be traced back to one core emotion: fear. There are five universal fears human organisms have. When these fears are initially triggered without the resources to handle them, they continue to recur in our present life. This is the nervous systems’ s way to try to resolve them.

Feeling frequently anxious, depressed, jealous, uncertain or angry, dwelling on the negative, not feeling good enough, not having enough, not feeling safe, mistreating your body, mistreating others, are some examples of patterns we may target, depending on the needs of the group. 

We will be utilizing The Connection Method™, a multimodal psychotherapy method whereby you consciously access your breath, your body, nature, your Full Potential Self, your Inner Being, your Inner Child to restore your wholeness. You will be guided to easily breathe, move, feel, draw, meditate, love, take a new action and transmute!

Begins Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Every Tuesday 6:00-7:30 PM PDT / 9:00-10:30 PM EDT

Four sessions of 90 minutes: 7/21, 7/28, 8/04, 8/11. Cost: $99


Begins Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Every Tuesday  6:00-7:30 PM PDT / 9:00-10:30 PM EDT

Four sessions of 90 minutes: 7/217/288/048/11. Cost: $99

A maximum of 13 participants.


Register here:


Healing Sexual Abuse

Description: No amount of intellectual understanding cures the pain of sexual abuse. But there is a cure. It is experiential, and it permanently neutralizes the horrors that linger in your body and brain. We will utilize The Connection Method™ (described below) and a full array of therapeutic modalities. You will develop positive inner resource states, forge a friendship with you Inner Child, heal core emotional wounding, rewire distorted beliefs, and awaken new joys in your inner and outer life. From the moment you start this program you will feel better.


Begins Monday, June 22, 2020

Every Monday  6:00-7:30 PM PDT / 9:00-10:30 PM EDT

Eight sessions of 120 minutes: 6/226/29, 7/6, 7/13 7/207/278/038/10. Cost: $279

Contact me if you would like to pay in installments. A maximum of 12 participants.


Register here:


About all 3 programs:

Meetings will not be recorded; it is your live presence that directs the content I will use.

These are Live Online Confidential Groups. Your privacy is highly protected. 

Technology for all Groups: We will meet as a group in a fully encrypted video conferencing platform. In between we will share and post our experiences in a fully encrypted closed group app (not Facebook). You will need to be connected to the internet and use either your phone, your tablet or your computer.


What is The Connection Method™?

Imagine you inherited a spectacular mansion, but you don’t have the keys to get in. 

Your brain is that mansion. By brain I mean all your perceptual faculties— sensory, intellectual and intuitive. There are a handful of keys that unlock your wellbeing. These fundamental energies are already yours, but they need to be awakened. They are your body, your breath, your heart, your inner being, your inner child, your future self, your adult self, and nature. When you consciously connect to each of these central organizing archetypes, and connect them to each other in a unique sequence so they work synergistically, you quickly transition from emotional discomfort to a state wholeness. This is your natural state. This method of psychotherapy is highly experiential, interactive and integrative. I developed it in 2008 after 20 years of clinical practice.


What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing is a unique, highly effective tool of psychotherapy that neutralizes negative feelings associated with memories of traumatic events. It utilizes eye movements and therapeutic prompts to access specific neuronetworks where both positive resource states and emotional upsets are stored. The client’s brain spontaneously starts to make sense of previously wounding experiences to the point that they are no longer disturbing. Research demonstrates 85% success rate for even the most complex PTSD and related issues, within 4 to 11 sessions.




If You Prefer to Work Alone...


Individual Sessions— in person, via phone or video

Utilizing the Connection Method™ (described above) , EMDR (described above) and much more.

90Min $250 — most recommended

60Min $170

30Min $90



Individual Intensive Packages— stay anywhere you live


YOUR TURNING POINT — A 30-Day Private Intensive

This is for you if you have been experiencing intense emotional pain, anxiety, depression or chronic trauma for a long time without resolution, and you want definitive, permanent and swift change. You may have experienced sexual, physical, mental, emotional or spiritual abuse or abandonment, or you may feel stuck, have unhealthy habits, low self-esteem, negative thinking or feel without purpose.  Your Turning Point is a comprehensive system that harnesses your optimal self, on all levels of being. With the consistency of daily individual meetings, your persistent issues and habitual patterns can be addressed and resolved at the level of cause. With expert guidance you will gradually reset your physiology, your brain, your emotions, your perceptions and your destiny. Let yourself transform from burdened to free!

What’s included:

Meeting 7 days a week, at varying times as needed60 hours of meetings within 30 days, via phone, video conferencing, in person, at the office, on the go, in nature spots, and other locations and times that are customized to your transformational needs.4 nights in a PleniSphere® Guesthouse in an evergreen sanctuary just outside Santa Fe, NM20 products selected for you, from the Shimara® Radiant Skin Care collection—a minimalist personal care and make-up product line, toxin-free, made by nature, uncovering and enhancing your youthful radiance, naturally..A guided vision quest in natureA personalized professional fitness routine according to your goals, that is sustainable for youAn introspective practice, tailored to your unique nervous system and lifestyle needsThe Connection Method™, EMDR, Art Therapy, Eco Therapy and a full array of psychotherapeutic, and energetic modalities

Investment: $9,995— most recommended.


YOUR TURNING POINT also has a SECOND TIER, with 30 hours a month, 2 guest nights, 10 Shimara® products, and all the rest the same.  Investment: $4,995. 


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me at, or call me at (505) 983-0693.


Adonata Pyaga has the gift of restoring your deepest well being. Her company, The Happy Heart has been active since 1988 and specializes in freeing you from all emotional upset. After studying state-of-the-art trauma resolution methods and the latest brain research, she has developed her own system. It permanently resolves traumatic experiences and mood disorders. Her system is not intended to manage stress, depression, anxiety, impulsivity, and psychosomatic illnesses, but to transform them so you can live your full potential.

She has successfully worked with over ten thousand clients of the most varied backgrounds. Adonata loves empowering the unique challenges faced by minorities, by those of unique cultural backgrounds, of every socioeconomic level. She was born in Germany, raised in Brazil and acquired her higher education in the USA. She holds a Master of Science degree in Mental Health Counseling from Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology of Health and Healing from Naropa University, Boulder, CO. She has  offices in Santa Fe, NM, and worldwide via live teleseminars.


Below is a list of topic-specific events. They can be hosted by your organization or group upon request.


Resolve safely and easily one upsetting or traumatic life event. An introspective journey will permanently shift your emotional pain and leave you uplifted. 


Discover and use your body-mind connection. Transform a specific discomfort or dis-ease into better health. 


Specific activities outdoors and within you will deepen your conscious connection with nature as an ally in your growth. 


Sitting in your office or at home, gently and profoundly increase strength and flexibility of your entire body. Rejuvenate, oxygenate, tone, and gain inner calm. 


Has meditation and stillness eluded you? Allow my 40 years of experience to guide your nervous system to truly relax, reboot and bring you expanded perceptions. 


Practice uplifting communication and conflict resolution skills and anchor your new behavior in your nervous system. 


Repattern your brain, your thinking and your body so you can once again experience restfulness, rejuvenation and energy. 


Are you 13-17 years of age? Turn your unique troubles into personal power. As you interact and introspect, feel better about yourself and feel more connected with others. 


Are you 17-21? Clarify and develop your unique path as you go on a guided mini vision quest in nature. 


Are you 21-30? Turn uncertainty, negativity and floundering into flourishing from the inside out, and turn your life into your work of art. 


Are you impulsive, addicted, tend to high-risk actions or violent outbursts? Give your brain what it really needs and increase self-control. 


Develop a supportive, non-controlling communication system with your body in beauty, food and fitness. 


Your nervous system has shut down to compensate for an unprocessed wound. Restore your inborn capacity for action. 


Widen your range of effective involvement with life as your anxiety turns to peace.